Day 71: Asahikawa – From China to Japan

Staying in Beijing for just one night, I had reserved an airport pickup through the travel agent to the airport at 10am.

But first, breakfast! Actually the breakfast was not bad at all!

I waited until around 10:15 before I asked the concierge to call my travel agent for me since no one arrived to pick me up. Turns out they forgot to order the transfer for me. 😑😑😑 Well, at least they said they’d give me a refund. So I asked the hotel concierge to call me a taxi and cross my fingers that I won’t get ripped off/mugged. 😧

Cool Chinese style tollbooth.

Arrived at the airport safely without getting ripped off, w00t!

I saw this and I was like “What kind of company could afford an ad with Yao Ming, Prince William and David Beckham in it!!??” Turns out to be an ad for anti-ivory, lol.

I took a flight to Asahikawa of Hokkaido from Beijing, the flight was delayed by like an hour. 😒 When the plane was on the runway and about ti take off, this lady stood up and opened the overhead compartment to rummage through her luggage. The flight attendant (already all buckled up) screamed at the lady to sit down but she only sat down after she found what she was looking for. Crazy.

By the time I arrived at Asahikawa it was already 7pm and I caught the Lavender Express bus to Furano station and it was already 9pm by the time I reached my minshuku. When I went to the public bath there was already 3 girls waiting and when they went in, they told me there wasn’t enough space for me so I waited. When they left I was about to go in, this other girl arrived and said she had been waiting since 5pm so I offered for her to come in with me but she freaked out and ran away. When I went into the bath, luckily I was there alone, there was only one tap and enough room for one person, wtf!? How can the minshuku cater for all its guests if the public bath only has space for one person!?

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