Day 72: Furano – Rolling Hills of Floral Wonder

By the way, I had some RMB left in Beijing so I bought an internet sim card to use in Japan but little did I know it would ban Google etc. here in Japan as well, DAMMIT CHINA!!! *Shakes fist*

Furano is a quiet little town, I was expecting a bustling tourist hub, but it really is quite country side. As I was heading out from the minshuku to the station, the girl who freaked out last night outside the bath greeted me. She asked me where I was from and when I said Hong Kong, she’s like “Oh, let’s speak in Cantonese.” Turns out she is from Macau (although her accent indicates she is probably from Guangzhou China, but oh well, if you say so). Then she realised we were going to the same place so she was all like: “Let’s go together! 😄” So we did.

Taking the train from Furano to Bibaushi.

The girl spent the whole train trip telling me about how her friend ditched her and what a bitch she was. And I was just thinking, OMG I KNOW WHY SHE DITCHED YOU, she just kept whining about how irresponsible and what a bitch her friend was and I JUST MET THIS PERSON. After listening to her whine about her friend, I had to answer her barrage of questions such as: “What’s different between student life and work life?”, “Do you have a lot of pressure working”, “Is there heaps of pressure living in Hong Kong?” Dammit, I have a lot of pressure TALKING TO YOU! Ugh, I don’t want to be talking about this on my holiday. If there was an “Eject” button on the train seat, I would’ve pressed it.

Arrived at Bibaushi finally after like 45mins of less than meaningless conversation. (Btw, the station name translates to “Beautiful Horse Cow”, lololol)

As you can see, Bibaushi is a tiny station with absolutely nothing around it. 😂 Anyway, I went to rent a bicycle and the place where I left only had electronic bicycles, ie. it takes less effort ti pedal. They are normally twice as expensive as a normal bike to rent so the girl was like “Oh, it’s so expensive… And I like to pedal when I ride a bike.” Whatever, you’re cheap, we geddit, now leave. So YUSSSS, I finally got rid of her and started on my bicycle journey. Biking with an electric bicycle was a breeze after that Dresden bike journey I had…

There are two main cycling routes, Patchwork and Panorama Road, each offers spectacular views of the area. I ended up going with Panorama Road which is longer and I rode for about 3hrs. You can download cycling route maps here.

Wheat fields. 🌾🌾🌾

The first stop is here: 四季彩の丘 (Shikisai no Oka). Entry is free, but there is a suggested voluntary donation of ¥200 if you would like to show a bit of moral fibre, which I did. 😀

I’m sure there is a name for this hay bundle woman, but I forgot so I’ll just call her Hailey. 😂😂😂

Shikosai no Oka.

Passing through the entrance building, you will be awed by the stretch of flowers on rolling hills.

Eating softserve made of Hokkaido’s own delicious creamy milk looking into rolling hills of flowers. I don’t think life can get any better than this.

There’s a tractor train you can ride (for a fee) that goes around the flowers if you are feeling lazy. It’s mostly for old people and women wearing high heels.

Can’t decide which flower I like best!

Somehow, I am imagining an army of sunflowers taking over the world.

One lone sunflower facing the wrong way. 😂 …Or is it the other sunflowers who are facing the wrong way?


Carpet of snapdragons.

How do they keep it so straight!?

There’s a lavender field as well.

THIS is why this route is called the Panorama Road! 😍😍😍

I wanna live here!


三愛の丘 (Sanai no Oka), which is a rest area with bathrooms, shops and restaurants with a great view.

Looking into the distance.

Cute li’l wooden house.

Turns out the wooden house was a cafe.

After a riding in the sun for a while, nothing beats an ice cold glass of Hokkaido milk!

Continuing with my panoramic journey after a short break! Actually my schedule was quite tight because I spent too much time at Shikisai no Oka. 😑

The train! Lucky me! (Because there’s only one train like every hour. 😂)

Like a postcard! 😨

After returning my bike (with only 15mins to spare!), I returned to Bibaushi station to catch the train back to Furano. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND to rent an electronic bike like I did because the route is quite long and some slopes can be quite strenuous without an electronic bike. You don’t want to end up like the tourists who were pushing their biked up the slope that I was secretly laughing at when I whizzed past them.

Coincidentally, the next train was the Norokko train! It’s famous for being slow so you can enjoy the view at a relaxing pace.

One of the carriage have seats that face the window so you can enjoy the view. Actually I don’t know why it’s facing this way because I think the nice views are on the other side… 😑 Also, make sure you don’t sit in the reserved seat section if you didn’t reserve a seat!

You can get a great view of the Tomita Lavender Farm on the train. Sorry, I only managed to get this crappy picture. 😂

It’s actually a great way to get to and from Furano to Asahikawa Airport, IF your flight doesn’t arrive/depart at night.

I don’t know why this carriage is called the Barbeque Car… Is it because of the seat/table positioning, it’s like a teppanyaki restaurant table??

Furano is know as the “belly button of Hokkaido” because of its central geographical location, so they actually have a belly button festival amd these are its mascots. 😂😂😂

Furano roast wagyu rice. GOOD!!!!! Actually, GREAT OMG!!! 👍👍👍 (Also, I miss Japanese food. 😋)

After taking a shower at the minshuku, head out to go to a matsuri at Kami Furano (上富良野). They have shuttle buses that go around past the station and to Hinode Park (日の出公園) where the matsuri is held. I have always dreamt of going to a matsuri but I’m never around in Japan during summer, so I’m so super excited!!! 😍

Upon arrival, there was already a huge crowd congregated next to the heart lawn hill in front of the stage.

Performing on stage was some famous music duo, sorry I haven’t been up to date with Japanese music so I dunno who they are, decent music though!

Aaaaaand tonight’s dinner will of course be matsuri food, hahahah.

There’s only so much one person can eat unfortunately, that’s why masturis are better when you are not alone. 😥 Anyway, Frankfurt sausage, shaved ice and yakitori, mmmmm.

And of course you can’t come to a matsuri without checking out the yakatas! 😍😍😍

Awwww!!! Even the li’l dog has a yukata! 😍😍😍

Looks like the worshipping ceremony has started. Most people concentrate on the food stalls and crowds in a matsuri but every matsuri is actually celebrating some kind of Japanese tradition/religion, usually praying for good harvest, weather, safety, etc.

Whoa!!! It’s some kind of torch lighting ceremony with fireworks.

Anyway after the praying it’s time for the light floats parade!

Awwww!!! Cat bus with li’l children inside!! 😍😍😍

A whole congregation of children pulling floats like slaves, haha.

These floats are actually made by the children themselves!

After the children’s floats come the adult floats, let tge party begin! 🎉

The floats are made by local communities and stores. It’s so cool how people actually participate in community activities in Japan, if they had one in Hong Kong/Sydney I would just scoff and continue playing my Playstation.

I don’t know why but they have to make their floats rock and spin so when the float makes its way onto the field it’s spinning and rocking like crazy with all these people hanging off it. Looks pretty dangerous actually, lol.

The chick inside is shouting something like: “ike-ike-ikemen!” I… don’t know why. 😕

Thid impressive floar depicts the Japanese god of wealth and fortune, actually everything here is symbol of luck of some kind: dragon, fish, crane, etc.

Impressive demon float! 👹

Argh!!! Genie, is that you?

AAAAARGH!!! Genie and men dressed as Jasmines! 😨

Getting hot guys to play the taiko on this float isn’t gonna get you more points with the judges, but it will with me. 😂😂😂

After all the floats assemble it’s time to announce the winner… which was the demon float!! 👏👏👏

And for the finale, a fireworks show! You don’t know how long I’ve dreamt of watching fireworks at a matsuri. 😭😭😭

The fireworks is released over the heart lawn hill. 💜

The have this really calm lady and man narrating for the fireworks and it was so funny, they sounded like they are narrating for lawn bowling or something. 😂😂😂

💜 shaped firework on top of 💜 shaped lawn. 💜💕💞

Wished I had a tripod to bring you better photos but I didn’t bring one. 😥

The fireworks was really impressive at first but I think they released too much in the beginning and had to release them one by one in the middle to drag it out. Like how anime have fillers and ten episodes of powering up. 😂😂😂

The finale was REALLY impressive though!! There was so much fireworks in the sky it wouldn’t fit in my camera screen anymore!!! 🎇🎇🎇 I was so moved!! I love fireworks! 😭😭😭

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